Shadows of Grief is a narrative RPG horror game about grief and its different forms; exploring the moral grey territory of trying to save someone at any cost. Created for the 2024 Pirate Software Game Jam by Cats In Business Suits (HerbButter_Inc and Shaina of Bungle on Discord. This prototype game is both the Developer's and Artist's first time coding for a game and creating assets, ever! Thank you!


E to interact

Space to advance dialogue

Esc to skip dialogue

Content Warnings: (Below warnings/events are not yet in this version of the game)

Themes of dark subjects such as grief, loss, chronic illness, and suicide 

The player progresses an interactive story through 5 stages. Each stage of interactive alchemic rituals/spells completed leads to new dialogue between the protagonist and spouse. The escalating dialogue reflects each stage of grief–Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance–as their relationship and former life deteriorates. Tasks and requirements become increasingly disturbing leading to an ultimate choice. This game's art is experimentally alchemized from traditionally painted watercolor and oil paints with digital line art and layer adjustments!

Game Design Doc LINK

Game Design Document


*All resources utilized below have proper licensing for commercial and non-commercial use.

Wallpaper Texture Pattern - “Designed by Freepik”

Decay Textures in Menu Image - darriagada/Decay-Textures is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal License




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(1 edit) (+1)

Great art style but the game lacks atmosphere (music, sound effects) and explanation.. I checked all the rooms (I guess) and couldn't find anything.. so I stop after 3 minutes.

Thank you! Yes this game is definitely an extremely early prototype, we hoped at least submit the bare bones of it. We do have all sound effects and sprites, ending scenes etc made, the code just is not currently caught up. A learning experience for sure, we appreciate your time :)